Location of origin: Central African Republic, near Bayanga
Geographic coordinates: 2.8893166667, 16.1710666667
Collectors: Philippe Annoyer (Association Insectes du Monde)
Data curators: Christian Jost, Guy Theraulaz, Andrea Perna
Collection date: 15-20 February 2005
Morphological descriptors: mushroom shaped, interconnected chambers, epigeous nest
Material descriptors: clay
Taxonomic descriptors: Cubitermes, Termitinae
Geographic descriptors: Central African Republic, Bayanga
Alternative ID: Mesomorph project (ANR-06-BYOS-0008) MeMo0010
Acknowledgements: The nest was imaged at CHU Rangueil in Toulouse
Availability of the original specimen: Not known. If available, it could be at the Museum of Natural History of Toulouse.
Usage permissions: Freely available. If used in scientific publications, it would be appreciated if you could acknowledge the Mesomorph project ANR-06-BYOS-0008
Additional information: The notes about this nest read (sic) “Centre-Afrique, je l’ai trouvé 50 cm environ d’un contrefort d’un arbre (genre Entandrophragma). C’est une foret semi décidue aux essences diverses et variées : Molapa, Sipo, Sapeli, Azob, Terminalia, Anigr, Fromager… Au niveau du sol, beaucoup de Maranthaces et de feuilles mortes sèches… Nous étions a ce moment-là en pleine saison sèche. Les coordonnées de ce nid sont : 02 53’259 Nord et 16 10’264 Est, 411 m, 15-20.02.2005.”
This nest was featured in the following scientific publications: Perna et al. “The structure of gallery networks in the nests of termite Cubitermes spp. revealed by X-ray tomography”. Naturwissenschaften (2008) http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00114-008-0388-6 Perna et al. “Topological efficiency in three-dimensional gallery networks of termite nests”. Physica A (2008) http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.physa.2008.07.019
Perna et al. “The topological fortress of termites”. LNCS (2008) http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-92191-2 Valverde et al. “Percolation in Insect Nest Networks: Evidence For Optimal Wiring”. Physical Review E (2009) http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.79.066106 Young-Ho E., Perna A., Fortunato S., Darrouzet E., Theraulaz G., Jost C. “Network-based model of the growth of termite nests”. Physical Review E http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.92.062810